New Beginnings...I'm not talking about Young Women's New Beginnings, although I am getting ready for that too, but a new blog for the family. My last blog, while great, was mostly about me, my single life before I was married. Now it's a family affair. I have some catching up to do! The Peterson's are doing well, but are busier than ever. Since I last wrote Christmas happened. The boys were with their Mom for Christmas so Ryan and I spent most of the holiday week with my family. We started off the week by going to Brianhead ski resort with Glen and Kandace to have a quick visit with my Grandma Mitchell and Uncle Jack's family. Ryan and my Uncle Jack enjoyed talking about work/computer stuff I don't get. Later in the week we went to a session at the Timpanogos Temple together (siblings), walked up to Bridal Veil Falls, played games, watched movies, ate many meals together, of course opened presents, and ended it all by my parents taking us out to eat. My parents did so much for all of us, I am so grateful! It was a lot of fun, but driving back and forth to Orem everyday was exhausting. Ryan and I took a couple of days to recover! Ryan got a lot of fun guitar stuff and I got a record player/records that I have been wanting for years.
On New Year's Eve Ryan and I wanted to stay home, but during the day we caught a movie and lunch while we had some SUV repairs. New Year's day was pretty fun being with all of Ryan's family for lunch, dinner, sorting through childhood stuff, looking at pictures, and playing games.
The boys came home from their Mom's the day before school. We had both sets of grandparents over to open presents. If you can't tell the boy's got bikes from Santa. The next day was Ryan's birthday. He wanted me to make him a Trifle, which I did. The boys made him a candy bar poster. Ryan's birthday gifts consisted of a lot of bike accessories.
I wish I could remember everything that I have missed! I got a new calling, which is the fourth one in the last year. Everything in my life has changed in the last year, so why not my calling, lol? I am now the 1st counselor in the Young Women, which is a lot of work. Between Ryan and I we have meetings 2-3 nights a week. We still strive to get family scripture and prayer 6 nights a week.
We bought a new table and king sized bed (used, but new to us) that we love. Our table fits eight and I don't get Ryan's pillow in my face every night anymore. We conquered an annoying Science Project, country project, and have made lots of juices/smoothies. That's it for now. I hope you enjoy Peterson Pondering's (made me think of Pete's Dragon for some reason).